Product |
Environment Sensor
| Temperature Sensor -Arduino Compatible
Arduino Temperature Sensor
This analog Temperature Sensor is Based on thermistor.
this Temperature Sensor Module measures the environment temperature and input data to Arduino through the analog IO port of Sensor Shield. Great tool for gardening projects, home alert system etc.
Building interactive work is as easy as piling bricks, just plug it to our Arduino Sensor Shield with a buckled cable, and make it looks professional and neat.
A simple program below converts data from Temperature Sensor Module to Fahrenheit and displays it in Serial Monitor.
This function utilizes the Steinhart-Hart Thermistor Equation to convert "Thermistor Resistance" to "Temperature in Degrees Kelvin." Click To See Details
A temperature sensor based on thermistor. Can be used to detecting environment temperature.
This item contain two different color version: one is red and the other is green. We will ship randomly if you have no special requirement.

Connecting Diagram :
This sensor module come with 3 Pin Dual-female Jumper Wire length 300mm as below :
Test Code :
#include <math.h>
double Thermister(int RawADC) {
double Temp;
Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000));
Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 * Temp) + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp * Temp));
Temp = Temp - 273.15; // Convert Kelvin to Celcius
Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit
return Temp;
}void setup() {
}void loop() {
Serial.println(int(Thermister(analogRead(0)))); // display Fahrenheit
Test Result :
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